Illegal modeling, Big Gulps and the fax machine
Leaving Japan was a relief. At the end of my trip, I was counting the days to get home, crossing them off in my calendar. I was the happiest person boarding the plane to Budapest, despite the fact the airport security took my pepper spray away - really not nice of you guys . I even have this vivid picture in my head sitting on the plane and looking down on Tokyo, thinking how happy I am that this is over. You see, back then I was clearly not good with the "live in the moment" thingy. I landed in Budapest. My whole family was waiting for me at the airport which was a tradition by then already. I was so happy to see them even though my parents were still mad at me for leaving University. Slowly everyone at home started telling me how much weight I lost. I found myself stuck in this circle, where my friends and family would always tell me I'm too skinny and my agency would push me to lose even more weight. I wanted to live up to everyone's expectations which was clearl...